10 0 0 10 49.5759 403.8393 Tm -2.7095 5.7275 0 3.1616 0 0 c BT BT BT 0 -3.3531 -2.7216 -6.0745 -6.075 -6.0745 c /OC /MC703 BDC 8.55 0 0 9 282.0553 493.6498 Tm ET ET ET q 1 0 0 1 17.498 371.7 cm 0 0 m (9)Tj /OC /MC711 BDC EMC 18.5 9.076 m (W)Tj ET 0 Tw BT ET ET 8.28 0 0 9 172.6367 380.8418 Tm ( )Tj BT Yard waste recycling fee. /P <>BDC Q /OC /MC4 BDC Q /Artifact <>BDC There is a $2 per tire fee. ET Q /P <>BDC EMC S q 1 0 0 1 308.498 372.35 cm 0 0 m BT EMC BT (6)Tj BT 459.766 352.673 462.487 355.395 465.84 355.395 c (29)Tj EMC ET 8.28 0 0 9 213.6728 332.8418 Tm BT EMC EMC /P <>BDC ET /GS2 gs -.075 Tc 8.28 0 0 9 379.192 381.1704 Tm EMC ET /OC /MC59 BDC EMC 47.887 365.806 45.165 368.527 45.165 371.88 c Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. (19)Tj 8.28 0 0 9 195.1879 344.8418 Tm (9)Tj /P <>BDC 8.28 0 0 9 463.5894 370.8419 Tm BT 8.28 0 0 9 434.5974 334.8419 Tm (13)Tj ET 6 0 0 6 593.9598 301.6207 Tm EMC /Artifact <>BDC Call the City of Kenosha Department of Public Works at 262-653-4050 with questions about the program. EMC 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 434.4279 445.6724 Tm EMC ET EMC ET EMC EMC BT EMC /Artifact <>BDC EMC ET /Artifact <>BDC Wednesday, 01 Mar 2023. EMC 89.651 -.0448 l 8.28 0 0 9 159.1367 368.8418 Tm W n /P <>BDC (6)Tj /P <>BDC EMC (4)Tj /P <>BDC propane, oxygen, gas, etc.) EMC /P <>BDC ET Grass clippings can be left on the lawn and will provide nutrients for your turf. BT 8.28 0 0 9 145.6367 380.8418 Tm /P <>BDC 0 Tc ET /Artifact <>BDC BT ET 0 J 0 j .75 w 10 M [] 0 d 8.28 0 0 9 46.7415 459.6419 Tm /P <>BDC /P <>BDC ET W n ET 225.526 375.233 228.247 377.955 231.6 377.955 c Used oil and anti-freeze are hazardous substances. 8.28 0 0 9 518.0815 344.8418 Tm <>stream
EMC BT (16)Tj ET (5)Tj 12 w BT (23)Tj 0 Tc /GS2 gs -.0002 Tc [(If you live EAST)18.1( of 60th )54.9(A)18(v)0(enue)]TJ Yard Waste Collection March-December. -8.584 -1.8 TD EMC Curbside collection of bulk waste is also available to City residents. EMC S Paper newspapers, magazines, paper cards, catalogs, posters-Place in brown paper bag or tie in bundles with string or twine. EMC 234.953 377.955 237.674 375.233 237.674 371.88 c (31)Tj ( )Tj EMC Q 0 -3.3531 -2.7214 -6.0745 -6.0745 -6.0745 c ET EMC (14)Tj 8.28 0 0 9 324.1132 457.6498 Tm Dumpster Request Form. 0 612.12 612 -612 re q (30)Tj BT BT Q EMC S ET EMC /Artifact <>BDC (25)Tj (23)Tj -.075 Tc BT 0 -1.1 TD BT (4)Tj Click here to read the press release. EMC 449 0 l (10)Tj 418.351 431.484 l /P <>BDC (W)Tj 10 0 0 10 533.5529 504.6497 Tm 306 306.12 m -.035 Tc EMC BT (28)Tj q 1 0 0 1 18.416 401.572 cm 0 0 m -.05 Tc Televisions must be in whole units, not pieces. EMC .863 .345 .165 RG 0 612.12 612 -612 re EMC The coupons are available at City of Kenosha Department of Public Works and City Clerk, 625 52nd St.; Kenosha Water Utility, 4401 Green Bay Road; and on the City of Kenosha website, www.kenosha.org. S 0 612 612 -612 re ET q 1 0 0 1 502.579 360.75 cm 0 0 m ET EMC EMC (18)Tj ET /P <>BDC 191.717 314.875 10.5 -10.5 re BT EMC BT /P <>BDC 8.55 0 0 9 157.4052 392.8418 Tm (30)Tj /P <>BDC EMC S (18)Tj ET Please hold your trash until your next regularly scheduled day (Thursday January 20). S 1 i /Artifact <>BDC 8.28 0 0 9 60.2415 447.6419 Tm Garbage or waste left beside carts may not be collected. /P <>BDC EMC /P <>BDC .863 .345 .165 RG BT 91.081 0 l EMC ET [(TUESDA)74(Y)]TJ EMC ET 10 0 0 10 224.8433 403.8417 Tm /F2 1 Tf (12)Tj BT /P <>BDC BT EMC /P <>BDC /P <>BDC Free compost and wood chips may be available during normal business hours. This service is offered to Grand Rapids residents only, so bring ID for proof of residence. 90.895 0 l ET (W)Tj /P <>BDC /P <>BDC Q BT /OC /MC47 BDC EMC 202.705 297.12 m 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 409.5568 469.6849 Tm ET /P <>BDC /P <>BDC /P <>BDC 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 474.1821 469.6526 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 159.2337 471.6499 Tm 25 0 obj ( )Tj -.0004 Tw (16)Tj q .863 .345 .165 RG .863 .345 .165 RG EMC EMC 533.12 9.076 77.609 53.372 re EMC (25)Tj /P <>BDC (2)Tj EMC 0 J 0 j 1.5 w 10 M [] 0 d EMC q 1 0 0 1 211.498 348.2 cm 0 0 m 8.28 0 0 9 73.7416 447.6419 Tm EMC EMC ET EMC BT /P <>BDC ET ET (W)Tj EMC BT ET ET 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 436.4377 481.6714 Tm /P <>BDC /P <>BDC ET Please call the Public Works Department at 262-653-4050 (M-F, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) or the Street Division at 262-653-4070 (M-F, 7 a.m. 3 p.m.). 8.28 0 0 9 292.1721 459.6499 Tm EMC BT /Artifact <>BDC 8.28 0 0 9 531.5815 433.6498 Tm EMC 8.28 0 0 9 350.9579 345.1704 Tm (12)Tj 459.046 443.529 l EMC S .75 w 8.28 0 0 9 256.121 483.6499 Tm EMC ET /P <>BDC /P <>BDC 8.28 0 0 9 545.0816 344.8418 Tm 18 0 0 18 270.7889 263.2132 Tm EMC BT 519.022 330.033 516.312 332.598 516.312 335.76 c BT ET EMC EMC EMC - 6:00p.m. (M)Tj (13)Tj BT BT EMC (7)Tj [(22nd A)17.9(v)-.1(enue)]TJ EMC /P <>BDC /P <>BDC /Artifact <>BDC (10)Tj (15)Tj (23)Tj Box Board/Cardboard -Empty and flatten all boxes; cut or fold large boxes to 3'x3'. /P <>BDC ET If you are a non-city resident who owns residential property in the City, you will need to provide proof of ownership. .0002 Tw /P <>BDC 0 0 0 1 K BT /TT4 1 Tf /P <>BDC ET 8.28 0 0 9 254.048 356.8418 Tm 581.427 479.539 m /OC /MC320 BDC (2)Tj /P <>BDC 0 J 0 j 1.5 w 10 M [] 0 d 0 160 l /P <>BDC /P <>BDC EMC BT BT q 1 0 0 1 502.499 437.597 cm 0 0 m q 1 0 0 1 114.579 360.45 cm 0 0 m ET BT Q BT /P <>BDC /P <>BDC endobj Parking CitationsLearn More. ET 89.66 0 l ET BT BT ( )Tj EMC BT (14)Tj /OC /MC328 BDC -.05 Tc 91.081 0 l /P <>BDC (20)Tj 8.28 0 0 9 267.6289 435.6499 Tm EMC Q ET BT BT 1 i The City of Kenosha requires that residents place their yard waste in . (8)Tj # # $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ D+#nqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqD+$ oqoqoqoqnpornpY9 D+#nqoqoqoqoqnqnpi77 fG/ororpsnqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqnpnppsnp ]B,X f9:npoqoqoqornpoqD+$ Z8qsoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqnonqmmzH8 gVnrnqoqoqoqoqorbO hVoroqoqoqoqnompL5 aF-V;mjnonqnpnpoqoqmonpmogNf:- f89nqpsnpoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqoqgK E+#nqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqD,# nqnqnqnqnpoqnp]: E+#nqnqnqnqnqnpoqg78 fG0ornpprnpnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnpnpos nO2hWmooqoqoqnpoqptproqnqmpnqnqornpfRlS1 g77npnqnqnqoqmpnqD+# [:monqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqoqnppsyF8 V;*mnnqnqnqnqornpprcH. There is no limit to how many vehicle batteries you may drop off. S BT ET /F2 1 Tf EMC /TT6 1 Tf 8.28 0 0 9 33.2477 356.8393 Tm 8.28 0 0 9 227.1289 435.6499 Tm /Artifact <>BDC 90.919 0 l /P <>BDC 0 Tw /GS2 gs 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 436.4318 469.6714 Tm ( )Tj BT Kenosha Trash Collection Map. BT q 1 0 0 1 502.499 449.597 cm 0 0 m The following are acceptable electronics for drop-off: cell phone, computer, copier, DVD player, fax machine, flash drive, gaming device, hard drive, keyboard, laptop, mouse, modem, monitor, printer, radio, scanner, television, VCR/DVR. EMC /P <>BDC 8.55 0 0 9 339.2973 493.6498 Tm ET -.075 Tc [(on your regular collection day)74.2(. (26)Tj 8.28 0 0 9 520.0734 469.6498 Tm (15)Tj EMC /P <>BDC ET Learn more on our . Q /TT4 1 Tf EMC /P <>BDC 0 -3.1936 -2.5919 -5.7855 -5.7855 -5.7855 c W* n ET ET h A Kenosha man has been accused of repeatedly assaulting a woman since June of last year. 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 420.9278 445.6792 Tm /P <>BDC Swimming Pool Disposal Swimming pools are not easy to dispose of without a home dumpster rental. ET (27)Tj 8.28 0 0 9 269.5399 368.8418 Tm EMC EMC ET /P <>BDC /P <>BDC EMC 14 0 0 14 187.5727 24.1595 Tm /P <>BDC EMC EMC (Garbage will be picked up every week)Tj ET (3)Tj .863 .345 .165 RG BT EMC ET ET EMC (26)Tj ET 8.28 -.0041 .0045 9 422.9317 469.6782 Tm endstream /P <>BDC ET /P <>BDC BT 589.315 295.621 m /P <>BDC /P <>BDC 306 306.12 m EMC 8.55 0 0 9 506.1509 392.8418 Tm EMC -.075 Tc (S)Tj ET EMC 8.28 0 0 9 337.4578 357.1704 Tm ET S For missed collection of trash, recycling and yard waste, call EL Harvey them at 800-321-3002. (28)Tj W n (21)Tj EMC Event Times : 7 a. 0 0 0 1 K ET /OC /MC13 BDC 8.28 0 0 9 407.7223 346.8419 Tm /P <>BDC Malden residents can also bring yard waste to: Public Works City Yards 356 Commercial Street Malden, MA 02148. /OC /MC344 BDC EMC /Artifact <>BDC S 8.28 0 0 9 267.6289 459.6499 Tm EMC (24)Tj 0 -1.8 TD (3)Tj 90.936 0 l (29)Tj {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Nebraska cheerleader competes by herself at state competition, but crowd doesn't let her feel alone, Kenosha police investigating woman's viral video post, Trial of man accused of murdering Kenosha man and hiding body to begin Monday, Modern Apothecary moves into spacious, stylish location in Downtown Kenosha, Kenosha man accused of repeatedly assaulting woman, Drugs, 23 dogs seized at Kenosha house Friday; one suspect taken into custody, Caledonia used car dealership offers free vehicle to woman following driver's license ordeal at Kenosha auto lot, Prosecution, defense clash on Day 1 of Zachariah Anderson homicide trial in Kenosha County, Jury selected in trial of Zachariah Anderson, accused of killing Kenosha man inside apartment in 2020, Kenosha Unified School Board votes 5-1 to appoint Meadows to open seat on board, High school wrestling: Dolphin, Campbell win state championships, A sweet deal: Puratos Chocolate USA in Kenosha debuts expansion featuring new production line, Kenosha natives announce plans for new children's boutique Millie Bo Peep in Downtown Kenosha, Polzin: Why Wisconsin AD Chris McIntosh hasnt lost faith in Greg Gard, Car flips four times during chase on I-94 in southeast Wisconsin, New biotech can 3D print living cells inside the human body, Wave of poison attacks on schoolgirls across Iran is raising alarms, Bakhmut battle intensifies as Russia bears down on Ukrainian city, Residual health concerns for residents of East Palestine after train derailment.